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30 days of practicing gratitude!  Are you ready to see what changes along the way?


What if you awoke tomorrow morning with only the things you thanked God for today? Would that change how you prayed today? I think most of us would agree that life is busier than it’s ever been. With all the rushing and doing, it’s easy to grumble and complain. It can become the new norm if we’re not diligently seeking to live with a grateful heart.  For the next 30 days, let’s break the cycle and challenge ourselves to purposefully set aside time to show our gratitude for all our Father has done and will do in our lives.


It's simple.  Write down AT LEAST 2 things that you are thankful for.  See simple!


If you're wanting an additional challenge... talk to God about the things you wrote down, thank HIM for those things.

Need more of a challenge?  You can also visit here for a daily prayer of gratitude  (or subscribe to get them in your inbox.  Each day you’ll pray a specific prayer of gratitude. Some days there will also be an opportunity for you to read a related article, or watch a short video. Other days you’ll be encouraged to journal or write down your thoughts about a particular thankfulness related prompt. Every day will also have several verses for you to think about or pray over.


REMEMBER... It’s okay if you miss a day or two- life happens! If you do miss a day, you don’t need to go back or start over. Just pick up where you left off and, if you have time, you can go back to the days you’ve missed.


So what do you say? Willing to improve your gratitude attitude? Ready to make time in your day to show your thankfulness to the One who makes your day possible?


Awesome!  Let's go!




Accept the Challenge!

Don't miss a day!

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